
Showing posts from November, 2023


This is my CCR below. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? I researched the typical convections in a 2000s music video. Many 2000s songs are love songs, and some talk about heartbreak, but this story is not about that. This story is loosely based on obsession. In my music video, the main character has a crush that she always talks about and obsesses over. She stalks him to take a picture in order to keep on her mirror to admire. every time she sees her best friend, she is always talking about her crush. She gets nervous when she sees him and never could bring herself to speak with him. At the end of the story, the main character's crush shows up at her doorstep to bring her flowers. 2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? My music video’s intended audience is peo...

Music video- When I See u

This is my music video. I hope you enjoy it. Watch it down below.  :)

Production Blog- Editing

 Hello, today in this blog I will discuss how I finished the editing my music video. As I mentioned in my previous blog, the video from CapCut was very choppy and glitchy. I didn’t want to deal with it so I switched to a different editing platform. I looked on TikTok for good editing platforms for computer. I kept seeing Wondershare Filmora, so that’s what I downloaded. Once it finished downloading I did the same thing I did in CapCut. On the app I added all the clips I timed so I can access it easier. I dragged the song to the video and trimmed it to be 1:15. I drag the vidro clips to match the song. I used the video from CapCut as a reference to how to the video should look. Something I like about the sofeware is that I can preview the video clips on a bigger screen so I didn’t have to constantly drag and delete.This took me a little while to get used to. When I tried to trim the video I click the scissors which splits the video. Not only did it split the video but also the song ...

production blog: Music video- Editing

 Hello, and in this blog, I will discuss how I edited my music video. I decided to edit the music video on my laptop because it would be more efficient. The first thing I did was plug my phone into my computer to transfer all the footage. I had to wait until my laptop uploaded all the photos and videos from my phone, and then I could choose which videos I wanted to include. I uploaded all the takes onto my computer and placed them in a folder so I could find them more accessible. After this, I downloaded the song and added it to the folder. I searched capcut to see how different it is from using it on the phone. I decided to use Cap Cut to edit the video, but I switched to the editing platform. capcut was simple to use, but it didn't produce the best video. To begin, I put the song on CapCut. I then looked through all the videos one scene at a time to find the best one. Once I found the best one, I added it to CapCut. I did this to each scene to get an idea of how the music video l...

Production Blog: Music video

 After we finished filming the outdoor scenes, we filmed the indoor 0scenes. The majority of these scenes involved only the main character. The first indoor scene was scene four. Scene four was the main character opening the room door and putting the picture in the mirror. For this scene, we used a tracking shot to show her coming in and placing the image on the mirror. This concluded what was supposed to be the first 24 seconds of the song. After this, we filmed scene ten. Scene ten was the main character laying on the bed and then getting up to look out the window. for this scene, we needed it to be dark but not too dark to the point the camera quality changes, or she can't be seen. We used a ring light to add enough light so the scene wouldn't come out too dark, and we closed the blinds so it wouldn't be too bright. I had to adjust the brightness of the ring light since it was too bright in her eyes. We recorded this scene about five times because we wanted it to be with...